This is the Animatic for the 2D sequence in the short student film DreamGiver, directed by Tyler Carter. A Brigham Young University Center for Animation Production.
I worked closely with Tyler Carter to help create the second main 2D sequence in DreamGiver. I think this may be version…90? 93? We had a lot of fun trying to figure out how the monster was going to die, and how the Dreamgiver would help the boy.
I used Adobe Flash to make this.
This also features the work of Aaron Ludwig. We worked together to create 3 or 4 completely different versions of this. His monster head, and monster foot are the remnants of his excellent work. Aaron also did the animation for the boy at the end of the animatic!
This is the second main 2D sequence in the short student film, DreamGiver, from Brigham Young University. Directed by Tyler Carter.
I helped make the storyboards/animatic for this section. I also made the final monster design, and animated the monster and the Dreamgiver.
These other fine artists are the other creators behind this: Aaron Ludwig, Tyler Carter, Jason Keyser, Michael Murdock, Sidney Strigham, Paige Strigham, Markham Carrol, Laura Allred, Younhee Burningham, Paul Petty, and Anthony Holden.